2024 Priciest Condo Filings in Brooklyn & Queens

Developers are eyeing Brooklyn and Queens, and The Real Deal ranked the top condo projects by projected sellout for 2024.

The sellout price for the top 10 most valuable condo filings came to just under $1.4 billion, ahead of last year’s $1.1 billion.

Avdoo & Partners’ Bergen, at 323 Bergen Street in Brooklyn, took the top spot with the most number of units and estimated sellout, at 105 residential units and $269 million. Two Trees Management’s 346 Kent Avenue project took second place with an estimated sellout price of $185 million with 160 residential units.

Middletown Units at 24 Middletown Street in Brooklyn, landed at the bottom of the top 10 with 16 residential units and an estimated $70 million sellout price.

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