
Florida homeowners await drywall test results, renters face risks when landlords are foreclosed … and more

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1. Florida homeowners await drywall test results [WSJ]
2. Judge continues to block Boca Raton man’s foreclosure rescue program [Palm Beach Post]
3. Regions Bank wins foreclosure against Miami Gardens’ Solabella townhomes [SFBJ]
4. Lehman Brothers wins foreclosure in Delray Beach [SFBJ]
5. Apartment bargains in Miami and New York [ABC News]
6. Inland Towers and Vistaview Apartments in North Miami Beach face foreclosure [SFBJ] and [SFBJ]
7. Ocean Bank wins foreclosure against Homestead retail site [SFBJ]
8. The brokerage of the future [Better Homes and Gardens]
9. Renters face risks when landlords are foreclosed [Investing Notes]
10. Residential originations at U.S. mortgage lenders jumped by nearly 25 percent in second quarter [NYT]
11. Worries of foreclosure drive one out of five bankruptcies [Housing Wire]
12. The window of opportunity for financial system reform is closing, Arianna Huffington says [Huffington Post]
13. Banks hope for federal effort on short sales [Realtor Magazine]
14. Legislation requiring homes to be more energy-efficient could hurt housing rebound, home builders say [Bloomberg]

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