The birther campaign of developer, supposed presidential hopeful and “carnival barker” Donald Trump (President Obama’s words, not ours) may be over, but assuming The Donald still has other political moves up his sleeve, what would an actual run in 2012 mean for his many property holdings? This week, the Miami Herald examined the impact of Trump’s recent political showmanship on sales in his name-branded condominiums. “I think it’s been very helpful [in attracting buyers],” Trump told the paper. “All they like is winning.” According to Jerry Powers, former publisher of Trump magazine, buyers at Trump properties “tend to be on the liberal side of wealth, rather than the conservative side of wealth.” Bilzin Sumberg attorney John Sumberg said he thought the
attention could be good for Trump. “What’s his commodity? It’s not his
real estate expertise,” he said. “It’s not his capital. It’s his name.” [Miami
Trump believes his birther campaign is helping condo sales
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