
Still no deal for Dolphins’ stadium reno

Sun Life Stadium
Sun Life Stadium

The Dolphins and Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez have yet to settle on a deal on the proposed taxpayer-backed renovation of Sun Life Stadium, despite a possible countywide vote, expected May 14, the Miami Herald reported.

The bill, put forth by the team, is to use local hotel taxes and state subsidies to fund part of the $390 million upgrade of the stadium, built in 1987. On Wednesday, a key Florida House committee endorsed the Dolphins’ bill, which also calls for raising mainland hotel taxes to 7 percent from 6 percent, generating about $690 million over 30 years.

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However, Gimenez appears to be proceeding with caution, likely since his predecessor lost his job due to stadium politics, according to the Miami Herald.

Sun Life already qualifies for $2 million a year from Florida’s pool of subsidies for new stadiums. The Dolphins’ bill, which passed its sixth legislative committee Wednesday, would create a new subsidy for stadium renovations, which would give Sun Life an additional $3 million annually for 30 years.

As for the new hotel tax, the Dolphins and Gimenez have been negotiating over how much should go to the team, the Herald said. [Miami Herald]Sanna Chu

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