1. Banks snub commercial real estate industry [NYO]
2. Foundation work starts at 348 Sackett Street [Brownstoner]
3. Three of the eight units at the Classic Modern are in contract [Brownstoner]
4. Rainbow Room looks like it might become office space [Curbed]
5. Everyone is against Marty Markowitz’s alternate Dumbo plan [Brooklyn Paper]
6. Mortgage delinquencies increase with unemployment [Bloomberg]
7. Fannie Mae mortgage borrowers get less aid than Freddie Mac borrowers [Bloomberg]
8. Delayed World Trade Center project will provide construction jobs over the next few years [Curbed]
9. Apartment buyer files suit against Lev Leviev’s District condo [Cityfile]
10. Groundbreaking scheduled for the first Monticello Avenue redevelopment area project [GlobeSt]
11. Andrew Fine says why not turn the Drake site into a park? [A Fine Blog]
12. Hoboken residents face 47 percent property tax increase [CBS]
13. Nationwide, 11 percent of mortgages are troubled [CNN Money]
14. Old pros now in demand in real estate industry [Reuters]
Banks snub commercial industry, Rainbow Room looking more like office space … and more
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