At the World Trade Center site, some towers are moving ahead while others are on hold. At One World Trade Center, which just dropped its Freedom Tower name, steel is 105 feet above ground, and some of the memorial’s steel has risen almost to street level. Tower 4’s foundation is also underway. The site for Tower 2, however, remains an 80-foot deep hole with no construction workers or moving machines, according to the Downtown Express. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and the city have already agreed to lease two-thirds of Tower 4, but Towers 2 and 3 so far have no tenants. In response to the Port Authority changing the Freedom Tower’s name to One World Trade Center, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said he would like it to stay the Freedom Tower. And former governor George Pataki said, “The Freedom Tower is not simply another piece of real estate and not
just a name for marketing purposes. In design and name, it is symbolic
of our commitment to rise above the attacks of Sept. 11.” [Downtown Express] and [Post]
Progress and stagnation at WTC site
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