
When New Yorkers move, where do they go?

Click for more images (source: Andrea Stanger via WNYC)

The Brian Lehrer Show on WNYC recently did an informal survey of where nearly 1,700 (mostly New York-based) listeners have moved to and from over the past 10 years and why. The result was over 4,000 data points that paint a picture of the New York real estate patterns of the aughts. And to help paint that picture, WNYC crowdsourced from a pool of graphic designers, mappers and statisticians to present the results. Among their findings: far more Manhattanites moved out than moved into the borough, whereas Brooklyn’s movers tipped in the opposite direction. Twenty-eight people, including 11 from Brooklyn and nine from Manhattan, moved to escape bedbugs or other critters. Downsizing caused 108 people to move, but 365 relocated because they became able to afford a nicer place. Click on the pictures to see more of what they came up with and the creative ways they’ve presented the data. [WNYC]

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Click for more images (source: Andrea Stanger via WNYC)

Click for more images (source: Michael Porter via WNYC)

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