
Sept. 11 first responder seeks $350M in suit against Park51 developers

September 10, 2010 12:00PM

The Proposed Mosque Site On Park Place

The developers of the Park51 community center are now the target of a $350 million lawsuit from a Sept. 11, 2001 first responder, according to the New York Post. The plaintiff, Vincent Forras, a volunteer firefighter from Westchester, claims in his suit that the proposed center would be “a terror risk” and “an assault.” In the suit, Forras, who filed his claim with the aid of conservative group Freedom Watch, accuses Feisal Abdul Rauf and other developers on the Park51 project of being “front persons and in charge of operations for interests tied to terrorism.” The Park51 team has repeatedly and vehemently denied similar claims in the past. The suit claims compensatory damages for nuisance and emotional distress. [Post]


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