Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio’s decision to move the first family into Gracie Mansion has inspired mixed feelings from both his Park Slope neighbors and Hizzoner himself.
De Blasio told NY1 reporters Wednesday that his family feels “kind of wistful” about the move, which will take them from a modest Park Slope row house to a mansion atop 11 acres on the Upper East Side. Among the adjustments will be the lack of a private kitchen, which means the de Blasios will have all their at-home meals prepared in a staffed commercial kitchen.
His neighbors told the Wall Street Journal that while the mayor-to-be will be missed, the appeal of a Manhattan mansion was understandably too good a perk to pass up.
“People would love for him to stay but I guess those same neighbors wouldn’t turn down a mansion in Manhattan, Mario Scaramuzza, a barista who often served de Blasio at Cafe Regular, told the Journal.
Most said they knew the move was likely and were not surprised, if a bit disappointed.
“We love them but I’m glad he’s going to Gracie Mansion,” Mike Diana, who lives across the street from the de Blasios, told the Journal. “It’ll be a lot easier.” [WSJ] and [Politicker] — Julie Strickland