Hotel Hugo to open 122-key Hudson Square hotel April 1

Room rates to range from $399 to $599 per night

525 Greenwich Streeet's exterior and ground-floor lobby (Credit: Curbed)
525 Greenwich Streeet's exterior and ground-floor lobby (Credit: Curbed)

Fortuna Realty Group’s Morris Moinian, in partnership with developer Matthew Moinian, will open the 122-key Hotel Hugo on April 1.

Designed by architect Marcello Pozzi, the property will offer three room types with rates ranging from $399 to $599 per night, according to Curbed. A total of 122 rooms offer king beds while 18 hold two doubles each, and the top two floors are outfitted as suites which can connect to king bed rooms.

The exterior is covered with a 17-foot glass facade, and vertical gardens hang throughout the ground floor interior. An Italian eatery operated by Sean Largotta of Crown Group Hospitality will be located in side the hotel, as well as a rooftop with a bar and lounge.

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Fortuna bought the former parking garage site for $12.75 million at an auction in 2011. A plan to develop condominiums on the property failed, and was followed by a foreclosure scare in early 2010. The current development duo ultimately settled on a hotel plan for the site, renaming the project Hotel Hugo last month. [Curbed]Julie Strickland