
See the top permits for all five boroughs on TRData

Check out the Data Hub for the latest on development applications in the city

Riverside Center (inset: James Linsley of GID Development) and 532 Neptune Avenue (inset: Ruby Schron of Cammeby's International)

Did you know Boston-based GID Development, led by James Linsley, filed three of Manhattan’s 10 largest permit applications in 2015? Or that the largest Brooklyn building filed in 2015 was in Coney Island, from Rubin Schron’s Cammeby’s International?

The Real Deal‘s research website, TRData (beta), is keeping close tabs on all construction activity across New York City. Visit the Data Hub to see up-to-date charts for the top permit applications for each of the five boroughs during the last month, the last 12 months, and during the last calendar year.

The Data Hub is updated monthly and tracks all future construction projects in tandem with TRData’s running pipeline, the searchable New Development Database. Click on each borough to see the top projects planned for the city according to permit applications filed with the Department of Buildings. C’mon, you know you want to. –Will Parker

Construction Planned: Permit Applications


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