Suffolk judge remands Sean Ludwick to jail

Authorities claim BlackHouse exec’s phone was filled with incriminating Google searches

Following an alleged escape plot hatched from a hotel in Puerto Rico and Google searches that included “10 secrets to being a good liar,” “5 countries with no extradition,” and “Percentage of bail jumpers caught,” a Suffolk County judge on Tuesday ordered BlackHouse Development CEO Sean Ludwick to remain behind bars ahead of his vehicular homicide trial.

State Supreme Court Justice Fernando Comacho told Ludwick that no amount of money could guarantee the developer would show up at trial, Hamptons news site, reported.

“When I set bail at $1 million, I never contemplated the possibilities heard here today,” he said. “There is no bail package to ensure his return to court.”

Ludwick faces up to 32 years in jail on 13 counts stemming from a crash in August that killed Douglas Elliman broker Paul Hansen. After drunkenly careening into a utility pole in Sag Harbor, Ludwick dragged Hansen’s body to the side of the road and fled the scene, prosecutors allege.

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Authorities arrested Ludwick last week after he unwittingly asked an off-duty, undercover FBI agent in Puerto Rico about buying a boat that could take him to South America for $380,000 in cash, prosecutors allege.

Suffolk County District Attorney Thomas Spota said Ludwick planned to return to Puerto Rico on January 21 to complete the deal.

Vehicular Crimes Bureau Chief John Scott Prudenti said authorities found a list of incriminating Google searches on Ludwick’s phone including “10 secrets to being a good liar;” “Percentage of bail jumpers caught;” “Does Venezuela extradite to the U.S.?;” “Can I leave on a cruise with an arrest warrant?;” “5 countries with no extradition;” “Why do fugitives get caught;” “How do fugitives escape;” “Seeking citizenship in Venezuela,” among others.

Ludwick’s attorney, Benjamin Brafman, argued that the boat was part of a “wish list” of activities Ludwick wanted to do with his children before potentially being sent away to prison. []Rich Bockmann