You’ve never seen NYC like this before

Photographer takes largest picture of NYC ever

A tiny piece of the 20 gigapixel image
A tiny piece of the 20 gigapixel image

From the Empire State building, you can see into windows in Lower Manhattan by zooming in on this incredible 20 gigapixel image of Manhattan.

Photographer Jeffrey Martin spent two days on top of the Empire State Building taking the individual images to create this stunning image, according to the Daily Mail. The final image has a resolution of 203,200 x 101,600 — making it the biggest picture of New York ever taken.

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“I discovered panoramic photography in the year 2000 after getting my first digital camera (a Canon Digital ELPH), which came with its own primitive panorama stitching software,” Martin told the Daily Mail.

Unfortunately we can’t embed the full image, which is seriously hours of fun, here. But you can check it out here, on 360 Gigapixels. [Daily Mail | 360 Gigapixels]Christopher Cameron