
Silverstein Properties is (still) thinking BIG for 2 WTC

With its anchor tenant gone, developer may stick with Ingels' design

Larry Silverstein
A rendering of 2 World Trade Center and Larry Silverstein (Inset: Larry Silverstein)

Larry Silverstein hasn’t officially decided what 2 World Trade Center will look like, but he favors Bjarke Ingels Group’s design.

“We can go in either direction. Which way, we are not sure yet,” the Silverstein Properties chairman told the New York Post, in reference to the Ingels design and one proposed by Norman Foster. “The probabilities are, and knowing the users we are talking to today, it will come down to the Bjarke Ingels.”

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The Ingels design is stair-like, an uneven tower that Silverstein himself has said looks as if its ready to topple. The design was supposed to house anchor tenant News Corp., but the company backed out in January, leaving the design — among other things — in question. The Norman Foster design features four rectangular structures whose tops are cut to form diamond-like shapes.

Sources told the newspaper that BlackRock and JPMorganChase have shown interest in the building, in addition to looking at offices at Hudson Yards and Manhattan West.  [NYP]Kathryn Brenzel 

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