Another Core broker jumps ship to star in “Million Dollar Listing”

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Caroline Grane and Michael Lorber

Bravo’s New York City version of “Million Dollar Listing” begins shooting today, and the Post has more gossip about what is to be expected come next fall, when the show will premiere. As might be expected, the network that brought us the “Real Housewives” plans to distinguish its version of realty reality television from HGTV’s popular “Selling New York” by focusing on “strong, contrasting personalities who travel in the same circle… and who clash whenever things threaten to get too boring,” rather than on the properties themselves.

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In that vein, Core broker Caroline Grane, a blonde Swedish native whose uniform consists of “tight skirts and trim blazers,” according to colleagues, has just jumped ship to Nest Seekers International to join the “Listings” cast. Nest Seekers reportedly wanted her for the publicity she’d bring the firm, though in a release issued today Nest Seekers didn’t mention the show and instead trumpeted Grane’s “exceptional marketing strategies, market knowledge, strong design sense and attention to detail.”

Grane, whose new title is “senior vice president, managing director,” isn’t the first to leave Core, which has a contract with “Selling New York,” to appear in Bravo’s spinoff. As The Real Deal first reported, Fredrik Eklund, the porn star-turned-broker-to-the-stars, and his business partner John Gomes, have both ditched Core for Prudential Douglas Elliman and will be “Listings” regulars. They’ll star alongside Elliman’s Michael Lorber, son of company chairman Howard Lorber. [Post]