Restaurants sales plummeted in Sandy’s aftermath, Danny Meyer says: VIDEO

In light of last week’s storm, restaurant sales fell significantly last week, CBS News reported. Broken down, casual dining sales fell 30 percent and fine dining sales slipped 50 percent. According to Danny Meyer of Union Square Hospitality Group, some city restaurants — though not his — could go out of business as a result of the hurricane.

In eight Danny Meyer restaurants, there was no power, leading to the disposal of 10 tons of food.

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But Meyer, himself, had some luck in Battery Park City. “We were able to get North End Grill, Shake Shack and Blue Smoke in Battery Park City opened almost within 36 hours,” he told CBS. The neighborhood is on the Brooklyn grid, meaning it didn’t lose power despite having been evacuated.

Nearby in Tribeca, the Palm Restaurant had 18 inches of water inside, but luckily the flooding didn’t affect the signature caricatures drawn on the restaurant walls. General Manager Scott Young told The Real Deal that the restaurant would reopen next Friday or Saturday at the latest. He declined to provide the monetary estimate of necessary repairs, including flooring and chemical treatments, but said the kitchen did not sustain extensive damage, thanks to its drainage system. [CBS News] — Zachary Kussin


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