Crane collapses at TF Cornerstone tower, causing multiple injuries

Crane belonged to James Lomma

Image courtesy Larry Dusseau
Image courtesy Larry Dusseau

Updated: 5:35 p.m., Jan.9

A crane collapsed today at a TF Cornerstone luxury rental site in Long Island City, injuring several workers, the New York Post reported. The accident occurred at around 2:30 p.m. “A few people were injured, no one was hurt seriously,” a leasing agent told the Post. But it appears that there were three serious injuries, CBS reported.

The work underway at the site was being carried out by subcontractor Cross Country Construction. The crane was owned by New York Crane. In April 2012, New York Crane’s founder James Lomma was  acquitted  of charges brought against him after a crane he owned collapsed and killed two people at the site of the Azure condominium at 333 East 91st Street in 2008, as The Real Deal previously reported.

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“Site safety is always our first priority as it relates to construction,” said TF Cornerstone spokeswoman Elizabeth Ferrara. “We are cooperating fully with all relevant authorities to try and determine what caused this occurrence.”

The 41-story 4545 Center Boulevard tower topped out in September 2012 and is scheduled to open for leasing in April 2013, as The Real Deal previously reported.

The rental is the fifth and largest property in TF Cornerstone’s 21-acre East Cost development project, which at completion will contain 2,615 rental and 184 condominium units across seven buildings. [NYP] and [CBS]Hiten Samtani