Donald Trump eyes New York gubernatorial bid

From left: Donald Trump and the New York State Capitol in Albany
From left: Donald Trump and the New York State Capitol in Albany

Having turned away from a presidential bid in 2012, the Donald is now floating the idea of taking up Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo’s spot in Albany.

Donald Trump spoke of a possible 2014 gubernatorial bid at Trump Tower at 725 Fifth Avenue yesterday, in a two-hour meeting with state lawmakers. Trump spoke convincingly about adding jobs, curbing taxes and tackling overregulation, and discussed improved management of the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey’s real estate portfolio, state Assembly Member Nicole Malliotakis told the Staten Island Advance.

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Still, he did not formally commit to the idea of a run for governor, saying at the end of the meeting that he would think over the possibility of taking on Cuomo in his reelection bid.

The political nod comes as Trump is embroiled in a $40 million lawsuit filed by New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, which accuses the Donald’s Trump Entrepreneur Initiative (formerly known as Trump University) of defrauding students. [Staten Island Advance]Julie Strickland