
Check out this incredibly detailed illustration of turn-of-the-century Manhattan

The map was mostly likely created sometime between 1900 and 1908

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For history buffs and NYC fanatics this is about as cool as it gets. This highly detailed map gives a birds-eye view of Manhattan and greater New York. And while it isn’t 100 percent accurate, it does give an amazing view of what the city looked like before modern skyscrapers dominated the skyline.

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JosefKlemm_ExLibris_ByEngraverMolitorMathieuAccording to user Ambamja on Reddit, the illustration was created by Josef Klemm around 1900. However, noting the presence of the Singer building, which was competed in 1908 and the absence of the Met Life Tower in Madison Square, which was completed in 1909, it seems like the illustration was likely created in 1908.

Also interesting to note, the Manhattan and Queensboro bridges are somewhat transparent (as one Reddit commenters points out) and “just sort of blend into buildings.” Perhaps this indicates that the illustrator is showing their future locations. – Christopher Cameron

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