
MLS a step closer to league expansion in Miami

David Beckham
David Beckham

The board of governors of Major League Soccer announced Saturday that they support a proposed stadium location in Miami’s Overtown neighborhood for a future expansion team owned by David Beckham and his partners.

“We are very supportive of Miami Beckham United’s plans to locate their staium in the City of Miami’s Overtown neighborhood,” Don Garber, the commissioner of Major League Soccer, said in a prepared statement.

“Their vision for a world-class venue within the urban core that is accessible by mass transportation is impressive, and we believe it will be an important part of the continued revitalization of the area. We look forward to working with David and his partners to finalize plans to bring Major League Soccer to Miami.”

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Miami-Dade County announced Friday that it plans to sell parcels at the corner of Northwest 6 Street and 6 Avenue totaling 2.79 acres to the Beckham group, called Miami Beckham United, for a soccer stadium development. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

The county land is now occupied by low-rise industrial buildings and the Miami-Dade’s water and sewer department.

The purchase of those parcels and others nearby by Miami Beckham United, an assemblage totaling about nine acres, was pending approval by the Major League Soccer board of governors, which met Saturday in Columbus, Ohio.

The MLS board announced support for expanding the league to 28 clubs by 2020. In a statement released Saturday, MLS said clubs in “Atlanta, Los Angeles and Minnesota will join the league during the next three years, with Miami taking one step closer today to becoming the 24th team.”

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