This week in comments

From comments posted this week on The Real Deal’s blog:

HL23 developer sues over stop work order, ‘shake down’

Tuesday, June 17


I find it incredible, that the city and the DOB have so little respect and understanding for building costs where they would stop a massive project like this for 7 weeks without any consideration for not only the development, but also the neighborhood …

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New office tower coming to LIC

Tuesday, June 17


Sites and transportation are abundant in LIC, what’s missing are tenants and amenities. When Metlife moved its offices here a few years back, its employees felt that the real cost was for them, not their employer, and Metlife had to go back to the city. Other tenants like the New York Blood Center are also unhappy, or at least their employees are, about quality of life issues. In other words, it is a good deal for employers, not employees. There are other projects similar to this one, still in search for tenants, the Models et al site at Queens Plaza, all with fancy names and lots of SF. Perhaps some city tenant will end up having their employees pay the price…

Winick nabs REBNY retail award

Tuesday, June 17


Why is it that the Avalon building on 110th Street … is complete and renting, while this ugly, poorly planned 808 Columbus Ave project seems far from complete? The noise and dirt, never mind the beautiful orange glow from the netting is making me mentally ill. But then again, that is probably the intent of the developers.

Former Elliman brokers suing for their salary

Sunday, June 15


Welcome to America! The land of false lawsuits. I know Core, Elliman, Corcoran Sunshine and all of the firms mentioned. All of them are top rated and professional firms and it is disgusting to see that former employees such as these in the photo go after [them]. I hope the judge sees what a real [waste] of time this is for courts and [waste] of money for the tax paying public.