
Mazel tov! Macklowe celebrates nuptials with massive portrait at 432 Park

The supertall is the venue for tonight's wedding reception

The northwest corner of 432 Park Avenue (Credit: paulpurcellnyc via Instagram)
The northwest corner of 432 Park Avenue (Credit: paulpurcellnyc via Instagram)

It’s wedding day for Harry Macklowe!

To mark the occasion, the developer and new wife Patricia Landeau have installed a massive, black-and-white portrait of themselves on the northwest corner of 432 Park Avenue, the ultra-luxury condominium Macklowe developed with CIM Group.

The polyester-mesh installation measures 42 by 24 feet and is based on a portrait taken by Studio Harcourt in Paris. “Our smiling faces will be on a building that I built,” the developer told the New York Post. “I am proud of my wife, my life, my friends and colleagues,” he said, adding that it gives him a “great thrill” to share his joy.

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The actual wedding ceremony will take place today at Weylin, an event venue at the old Williamsburgh Savings Bank. This evening, some 200 guests are invited to a reception on the 78th floor of 432 Park — which was gutted and turned into a “massive ballroom” for the occasion, the Post reported.

Of course, the 78th floor is where Macklowe and his ex-wife of 57 years once had his-and-hers condos — a sticking point that emerged during their contentious divorce last year. (Ultimately, Linda Macklowe opted not to close on her $14.4 million pad.)

Harry split from Linda in 2016, sparking an acrimonious divorce that played out in the tabloids. Early on, the developer claimed he offered his estranged ex-wife, half of their $2 billion fortune to walk away. Instead, the former couple aired years of animosity in a drawn out divorce trial that gave insight into how the developer valued his real estate holdings.

In December, the judge ordered the Macklowes to split their fortune by selling their art collection and divvying up real estate holdings. (For all his work at 432 Park, Harry only kept $1.25 million on the promote, a judge ruled.) Terms of their settlement haven’t been made public. [NYP]E.B. Solomont

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