A downtown condo is considering implementing a mask mandate with a hefty fine for those who don’t follow it.
The condo association for the Plaza on DeWitt at 260 E. Chestnut Street will host a Zoom meeting Oct. 26 to discuss the plan. Under the proposal, violators would be fined $500, and twice as much for subsequent breaches, according to Crain’s.
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“The purpose of the meeting is to afford unit owners an opportunity to comment on the proposed rules,” an Oct. 14 letter to residents obtained by Crain’s said.
Sudler Property Group manages the Plaza on DeWitt. Dean Lerner, supervisor of the 407-unit building, told Crain’s that any mask mandate would be a decision by each building Sudler runs.
Mask rules have been hashed out at apartment buildings since early in the pandemic. In Miami, a condo association is seeking to evict a real estate agent for not wearing a face mask in public areas of the property. [Crain’s] — Sasha Jones