NYC Top Developer Ranking 2023

This ranking breaks down the biggest developers in the Big Apple.

The dataset ranks the top developers in New York City based on the square footage they have under development in Brooklyn, Manhattan and Queens.

The source data for this ranking is from the New York City Department of Buildings, and includes new building permits for projects 25,000 square feet and larger in Brooklyn, Manhattan and Queens filed between May 1, 2022 and May 1, 2023.

The dataset ranks the city’s top 20 developers based on the total square footage each has under development in the three boroughs studied, and includes a count of their projects.

The set includes the raw data for each of the 360 projects the ranking is based on, including the location, estimated cost, number of proposed units and square footage.

This report includes:

Job Filing NumberAddress
Job SuffixBuilding ID
Job TypeDeveloper Name
Total Building Square FootageApplicant Business Name
Proposed Dwelling UnitsApplicant Business E-mail
Estimated Job CostOwner Name
Filing DateOwner Business Name
BoroughOwner Address

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