The promise of Soloviev Group’s Midtown East plan is enormous. Well over a thousand new apartments, a hotel, retail, restaurants, a democracy museum, nearly five acres of green space – and, yes, a casino – come together in an ambitious plan for Manhattan’s last major empty parcel. And the numbers don’t lie: the area needs new housing, with only 356 affordable units added between 2010 and 2020.
So, the Soloviev boom could be just what the city ordered – if CEO Michael Hershman can make it happen, amid fierce competition with other big-name developers and complex machinations with NYC’s political estate.
When it happens, the Midtown East development could be legacy-defining for Hershman. It will also be the first chance for the Soloviev Group – rebranded after Stefan Soloviev inherited it from his father Sheldon Solow in 2020 – to put a new stamp on the New York skyline.
Join TRD and Hershman for a conversation about this unique opportunity, and the tightrope of 2025 development in NYC.
The Salon Series is sponsored by our friends at Bosch, Thermador, and Gaggenau.