
At the desk of: Charles Cohen

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that eye-catching marble panels line the elevators at 750 Lexington Avenue, the headquarters of Cohen Brothers Realty Corporation. After all, the development firm’s best-known buildings are five national design centers, including the Decoration & Design Building (aka the D&D Building) at 979 Third Avenue, where vendors sell fabrics, furniture and stone finishes. The firm built a handful of glitzy office towers in Midtown in the 1970s and 1980s, including the red-granite, full-block 780 Third Avenue (which has since sold).

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Cohen Brothers also owns 135 East 57th Street, a high-rise with a circular plaza that movie fans might recognize as the home of the Green Goblin, the villain in 2002’s “Spider-Man.” Fittingly, company CEO Charles Cohen, 59, produces movies on the side, a pastime that’s taken on new intensity since his first film, “Frozen River,” was nominated for two Oscars in 2008. But most of the drama in his 28th-floor office comes from the views, which sweep across Manhattan. Click on the image below to take a closer look at Cohen’s desk.

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