Owners of Hollywood contemporary make bizarre listing divorce video

The married owners of a $4.5 million contemporary Hollywood home have put a strange twist on the listing marketing video by making a short divorce-themed film at the property.

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Ori Ayonmike and his wife Nafisa paid $20,000 to make the 11-minute film, which shows off the house, at 6654 Emmet Terrace, while simultaneously trying to keep the audience’s attention by telling the story of a troubled marriage. The couple, who also stars in the film, is not getting divorced in real life.

“We wanted it to be something that most people had never seen,” Ayonmike told the Wall Street Journal.

The Ayonmikes paid $995,000 for the lot on which the house was built in 2013 and forked over an additional $3 million for the construction of the 5,500-square-foot property, the Journal said. [WSJ] – Katherine Clarke

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