
Michael Scott scraps “giga-mansion” proposal neighbors hated

Council member Paul Koretz (credit: Facebook)
Council member Paul Koretz (credit: Facebook)

So much for go big or go home.

Trailer park mogul Michael Scott is getting neither now that he has withdrawn his application to build a “giga-mansion” in Benedict Canyon, due to vocal opposition from his would-be neighbors, the Los Angeles Business Journal reports.

The project proposed more than 80,000 square feet of floor space that would have encompassed movie theaters, tennis courts, bowling alleys, a commercial-sized spa, a helipad and a deck that holds more than 500 people.

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Conservationists argued that a project of this scale would endanger wildlife, incite traffic and break the aesthetic of the neighborhood. Scott’s reputation for throwing monthly ragers at his current 17,000-square-foot abode in North Beverly Park didn’t help much when it came to neighborhood support.

Opponents also claimed that the plan deceptively underreported the size of construction at 10101 Angelo View Drive, which they say measures up to 139,000 square feet when accounting for the three-level basement. Last week, local city council member Paul Koretz wrote a letter urging Scott and his development team put forth an Environmental Impact Report before continuing with the permit process.

The community’s backlash against Scott’s proposed pad reflects a policy shift that discourages “super-sized” homes. Last year, the L.A. city council passed an “ anti-mansionization” ordinance that prohibits homes of a certain size.

If Scott were to reapply to build on the property, he must follow the new guidelines. He has yet to reveal any intention to resubmit. [LABJ]Cathaleen Chen

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