
Manasseh Building plans 59-unit complex in Winnetka

Developer is seeking Transit Oriented Communities incentives from LA

20460 North Sherman Way (Google Maps)
20460 North Sherman Way (Google Maps)

Manasseh Building Group is planning a 59-unit apartment complex in Winnetka.

The firm filed plans for the project at 20460 North Sherman Way, according to city planning records.

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The building will have five units set aside as affordable. The developer has requested incentives through the city’s Transit Oriented Communities program, which provides them for projects with affordable units near transit. Entitlements available through TOC include height increases, density bonuses and open space reductions.

Manasseh Building is controlled by Stephen Gregorchuk. The firm picked up the now vacant site for $1.5 million in June 2014. It’s a corner lot at Mason Avenue that totals 16,742 square feet, and borders a mostly single-family neighborhood.

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