The owner of a historic apartment building in L.A.’s Windsor Square wants to add eight granny flats to its basement.
Allen Gross has filed plans to add the accessory dwelling units beneath the Los Altos Apartments at 4121 Wilshire Boulevard, Urbanize Los Angeles reported.
The landlord wants to employ an unidentified state law to convert the unused basement into homes.
Plans call for turning the basement area at the southeastern corner of the building into eight ADUs from 364 to 597 square feet.
The project, designed by Rancho Park-based Peter T. Erdelyi & Associates, would build the units beneath the five-story landmark, built in 1925, which has hosted a who’s who of Hollywood celebrities.
The building, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, was restored in 1990 into a mixed-income housing complex with 75 homes.
Past projects from Gross include the conversion of a shuttered Downtown department store into housing more than a decade ago, according to Urbanize.
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