State Senator Scott Wiener and a Metro Red Line train (Credit: Wikipedia)
Los Angeles
Jun 6, 2019

The people have spoken: Majority of Californians support housing upzoning, survey shows

SB-50, which would address the housing crisis through more development, appears to have support of 60% of Californians
State Senator Anthony Portantino and Glendale
Los Angeles
May 22, 2019

Strength in the suburbs: Homeowners played central role in opposing housing bill

Single-family homeowners said SB 50 would “destroy” character of their communities
Anthony Portantino and State Senators Scott Wiener
Los Angeles
May 16, 2019

SB 50, a bill to allow multifamily building statewide, again put on ice

The bill received attention from around the state, including intense opposition from many elected officials
Councilmember David Ryu, City Hall, and LA Mayor Eric Garcetti (Credit: Getty Images and iStock)
Los Angeles
May 14, 2019

LA is reining in the real estate industry. Is it going too far?

New tax measures aimed at developers and property owners, along with tighter restrictions on political donations come amid renewed scrutiny
Upzone LA: State bill to boost housing could transform single-family home areas
Los Angeles
May 14, 2019

Upzone LA: State bill to boost housing could transform single-family home areas

Amid California's housing shortage, more than half the developable land is zoned single-family housing
SB 50 would make 40% of LA’s developable land available for higher density
Los Angeles
Apr 24, 2019

SB 50 would make 40% of LA’s developable land available for higher density

Local leaders already strongly oppose the state bill to boost housing
Housing bill could reshape tech hubs like Silicon Beach, Silicon Valley
Los Angeles
Apr 22, 2019

Housing bill could reshape tech hubs like Silicon Beach, Silicon Valley

Provisions would allow for multi-family projects in suburbs that prohibit them
Here’s why the LA City Council opposes a state bill to boost housing
Los Angeles
Apr 17, 2019

Here’s why the LA City Council opposes a state bill to boost housing

Officials want to fight SB 50, and have cleared the way for their lobbyists to do just that in Sacramento
LA councilman pushes back on state bill to allow tall, dense resi construction
Los Angeles
Mar 4, 2019

LA councilman pushes back on state bill to allow tall, dense resi construction

If at first: Scott Wiener revises statewide bill to boost residential development
Los Angeles
Dec 4, 2018

If at first: Scott Wiener revises statewide bill to boost residential development

The state senator’s latest version would still allow for dense construction near transit but would also maintain local oversight