
Finding space beyond Chase


The former market director of real estate at JPMorgan Chase has moved over to the brokerage side of the real estate world and is now the director of financial retail services at Winick Realty Group. During the 27 years he worked at JPMorgan Chase, Bob Weber was in charge of overseeing the real estate portfolio of all the Chase branches in Manhattan and northern New Jersey. Weber secured branches at 15 Central Park West, 26 Astor Place and the General Motors Building, among others. He also integrated many of the banks’ locations during various mergers and acquisitions, a role he might resume at Winick.

“We hope to be doing a lot of disposition work with the Washington Mutual and JPMorgan Chase merger,” Weber said. “We’ve had meetings with them already, and plan to help realign them in the marketplace and move branches from one area to another.”

While working at Chase, Weber said he was always fascinated by the brokers’ role in deals.

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“Brokerage is something I’ve been interested in for a long time,” Weber said. “About year ago I thought, I have 15 more years to work. It’s time to get into it and learn about the brokerage side of the business,” he said.

Weber said he called up his friend of 25 years, Winick CEO Jeff Winick, and told him he wanted to make the move.

“I want to bring in as many new relationships as possible,” Weber said. “[Winick] doesn’t have a whole lot in the financial service industries and insurance companies, so I want to get Jeff into meetings with those executives. As the financial services entrench, the question is going to be are they going to need retail locations. And assisting with that is one of the reasons I’m here.”

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