NY agent touts African reserve

For buyers in the market for an African nature reserve, there’s a finally a Manhattan broker who is selling one.

Sangeeta Kapoor of Douglas Elliman has a listing for the $14 million Chaminuka Nature Reserve in Zambia.

While $14 million (give or take a few hundred thousand) can buy you the penthouse, delivered raw, at the new 47 East 91st Street, or a 7,500-square-foot townhouse on East 69th Street, it gets you herds of wildlife and entire lakes in Africa.

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“Twenty-two years ago it was established as a private retreat by a family who lost their heart to the ancient majesty of Zambia,” says the listing, adding there is a “startling array of wildlife including, cheetah, eland, giraffe, hyena, sable, monkeys, puku, wildebeest and zebra.”

The reserve has also got a view of four different lakes probably pretty similar to a nice view of the Central Park Reservoir from a pricey Upper East Side perch.

Kapoor got the listing from an Upper West Side couple that splits their time between the U.S. and Zambia. Her other listings are for a $8,995 a month rental at 170 East 87th St. and a $1,750 a month rental at 103 West 69th St.

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