
Longest yard sale drags on for Burt Reynolds

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Actor Burt Reynolds has cut the price on his 12,500-square-foot Hobe
Sound compound for the fourth time, dropping it to $8.995 million.
That’s a 40 percent reduction from the original asking price, said
broker Robert Kairalla of Jupiter-based JIC Realty, which is listing
the property. The five-bedroom house, which is located at 16815
Southeast Federal Highway, just north of the Palm Beach County line in
Martin County, has a two-bedroom guesthouse, a pool with a gazebo and
waterfall, a boat dock and a helipad. It also has some tongue-in-cheek
marketing tactics in its favor: A photo of the home’s cinema room on
the broker’s Web site features a movie still of Reynolds grinning through his signature role in Smokey and the Bandit.

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