
Abandoned homes present danger during hurricanes, statewide condo sales rise in April … and more

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1. Abandoned homes present danger during hurricanes [Sun-Sentinel]
2. More Florida homeowners fall behind on payments, study says [Miami Herald]
3. Boca Raton, Palm Springs projects face foreclosure [SFBJ] and [SFBJ]
4. W South Beach now hopes to open by July 1 [Hotel Chatter]
5. Statewide condo sales rise 21 percent in April [GlobeSt]
6. Option ARM mortgages will create new foreclosures [Palm Beach Post]
7. Lenders touting success in keeping homeowners in homes [Sun-Sentinel]
8. Buffett aide says economic recovery not near [Bloomberg]
9. How to get the home buyer tax credit upfront [WSJ]
10. Foreclosures drawing increased buyer interest [Realty Times]
11. Lenders could lose $168 billion if banks sell loans to the Public-Private Investment Partnership at market prices [Bloomberg]
12. Yields on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgage bonds fell, pushing interest rates on new home loans down [Bloomberg]

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