
Condo auctions peak in Miami-Dade County, South Florida interest rates up 1 percent … and more

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1. Condo auctions may have peaked in Miami-Dade County [Globest]
2. New property insurance bill favors big carriers, Sen. Gary Siplin says [Palm Beach Post]
3. Sellers are offering incentives to help lure homebuyers [Florida Today]
4. Longtime homeowners will face big tax hikes [Miami Herald]
5. More homeowners are facing foreclosure, columnist says [Herald Tribune]
6. Some experts expect a third wave of foreclosures for South Florida homes [Daily Business Review]
7. Threats to Florida housing market still high despite hitting a bottom [Palm Beach Post]
8. South Florida interest rates up nearly 1 percentage point [Sun Sentinel]
9. Tips for selling homes to first-time buyers [WSJ]
10. Uncollectible U.S. card loans rose in May, Capital One Financial says [Bloomberg]
11. U.S. home prices have further to fall, Deutsche Bank says [Bloomberg]
12. FHA launches new approval process for condo projects [National Mortgage News]
13. Late payments on multi-family and retail commercial mortgage-backed securities at highest number since 2001 [National Mortgage News Online]

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