
South Florida apartment leasing continues despite recession, state unemployment rate continues to rise … and more

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1. South Florida apartment leasing continues despite recession, report says [Sun-Sentinel]
2. First phase of retail center begins construction [GlobeSt]
3. Broward County commissions to consider evicting airport tenant who owes overdue rent and other fees [SFBJ]
4. Fort Lauderdale yard gets redesign on TV show [Sun-Sentinel]
5. Borrowers facing backup to modify mortgages [Sun-Sentinel]
6. State unemployment rate continues to rise [SFBJ]
7. Housing sales won’t stop dropping before mid-2010 [CNN Money]
8. Defaults and fraud drain FHA resources [Inman]
9. U.S. housing recovery “distressingly slow,” survey says [Reuters]
10. Feds see foreclosure slowdown as key to economic recovery [Inman]
11. Barnes and Noble scales back openings [WSJ]

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