1. Office tenants renewing leases negotiate better rents, more space [GlobeSt]
2. William Hutton III, past president of Palm Beach Board of Realtors, dies [Palm Beach Daily News]
3. New U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services field offices in South Florida face foreclosure [SFBJ]
4. Former Broward school building chief put on probation [Broward-Palm Beach New Times]
5. Foreclosure lawsuit filed against Santa Barbara Place in Pompano Beach [SFBJ]
6. Lums restaurant in Davie closes 53 years after chain begins [Sun-Sentinel]
7. Marlins stadium financing deal could make Wachovia Miami-Dade’s primary bank [Miami Today]
8. Oakland Park opens new emergency operations center [Sun-Sentinel]
9. BankUnited could be seeking new headquarters outside of Coral Gables [Miami Today]
10. Both Allstate Floridian insurance companies get new name [Sun-Sentinel]
11. Rising unemployment rates hurting Obama’s housing recovery [WSJ]
12. U.S. foreclosures to peak in late 2010, Barclays Capital says [Bloomberg]
13. Housing market statistics nationwide hint at recovery [Reuters]
14. Shares of iStar Financial fall [Forbes]
15. Has housing market hit bottom? [ABC News]
16. REIT improvements may be sign of commercial market turnaround [CoStar]
17. Columnist says open houses still work [WSJ]
18. REIT index rose 28 percent in April-June period [WSJ]
Americans don’t want larger homes, study shows [WSJ]