Broward developers Bruce and Shawn Chait were prone to bragging about the ease with which they were able to bribe local politicians when their large Tamarac housing development project was up for approval, Democratic campaign consultant Beverly Stracher told prosecutors in the case against the father-and-son team. The revelation came from sworn testimony that Stracher gave over the course of the last two years and that was released yesterday by Broward prosecutors. During that time, the Chaits have pleaded guilty to unlawful compensation charges for giving money and gifts to former County Commissioner Josephus Eggelletion, who is now in prison for money laundering conspiracy. The state has also filed criminal charges against former School Board member Stephanie Kraft in connection with the Chait investigation. Kraft is pleading not guilty, as is Tamarac Mayor Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco, who has been suspended from her post, and former Commissioners Marc Sultanof and Patricia Atkins-Grad. [Sun Sentinel]
Chaits “bragged” about pol bribes
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