
Trump gives advice to the GOP

Whereas the threat of default weighs heavily over Wall Street and the American economy, Donald Trump sees it as an opportunity for political maneuvering. In a video Gawker posted that was released by Donald Trump, the real estate mogul said he wants Republicans to hold out from getting a deal done and ensure that the American debt brings about President Obama’s demise. “Nobody is going to remember [House Speaker John] Boehner or anybody else [from the GOP],” he said. “They’re only going to remember [President Barak] Obama.”

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He later hedged a bit from that statement, saying that if the republicans can strike a deal that’s “wonderful for our country” — which, in his mind, means one that eliminates “Obamacare” — “that takes predence over everything,” even if it means Obama gets re-elected. But Trump said he doesn’t think that’s in the cards, so “don’t be stupid,” he said. Hold out.

The advice shouldn’t be unexpected considering the source, Gawker said, calling The Donald “America’s foremost lover of declaring bankruptcy.” [Gawker]

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