Chilean airline LAN Cargo wants to build a 95,000-square-foot, three-story maintenance hangar at Miami International Airport.
Under the deal, Miami-Dade County would have to waive a Responsible Wage Ordinance for LAN Cargo’s share of the construction work. LAN would foot the bill for the one-jet-at-a-time hangar, but the Florida Department of Transportation would spend $2.4 million on an apron that could hold two parked jets.
The airport paid $450,000 to demolish a storm-battered building formerly used by the U.S. Postal Service – on the site where LAN Cargo plans to build. Over 30 years, LAN would owe $134,165 in annual rent for the hangar land.
The county committee is next to review the 72-page deal, followed by the commission. [Miami Today News] — Mark Maurer