
Ex-foreclosure king officially disbarred

Nancy Perez and David Stern (Stern photo: Bill Warner)
Nancy Perez and David Stern (Stern photo: Bill Warner)

Florida Supreme Court officially disbarred onetime foreclosure mogul David J. Stern, who is facing charges of fraud and legal misconduct.

Palm Beach County Circuit Judge Nancy Perez, acting as a referee, said she made the decision based on Stern’s refusal to accept responsibility for the errors of his former Plantation foreclosure defense firm. In November, Stern decided not to protest her call for his disbarment.

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Stern built up his firm with 154 attorneys and about 1,200 total employees handling nearly 118,000 cases each day. His misconduct was exposed during the robo-signing scandal.

“Mr. Stern has not expressed any remorse in these proceedings,” Perez wrote, as reported by the Palm Beach Post. “He has taken no responsibility.”

“As the only partner and sole managing attorney, he has the ultimate responsibility for his firm,” Perez added. [Palm Beach Post]Mark Maurer

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