
Met Square developer gives ground in flap over ancient site

Met Square rendering
Met Square rendering

A compromise has finally been struck over the fate of a downtown Miami development site where archaeologists found remnants of a prehistoric Tequesta Indian village.

Developer MDM Group, consulting archaeologist Bob Carr, preservationists and state, city and Miami-Dade County legal and historic-preservation staffers have agreed to a plan that will preserve and display “critical” archaeological pieces in place, while the development of Met Square, a hotel and entertainment complex moves forward, according to the Miami Herald.

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MDM agreed to redesign the project to include glass enclosures over a pair of circular carved postholes in the bedrock that archaeologists believe mark the foundations of Tequesta dwellings. HistoryMiami will also be allowed to operate a public museum on site.

“It’s a good outcome,” said Miami Commissioner Marc Sarnoff. “Everybody’s satisfied. The mediator said not one person in the room objected. This is the best way government can react.” [Miami Herald]Christopher Cameron

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