Bahamas condo developers compete with South Florida

Bjarke Ingels
Bjarke Ingels

Luxury condo developers in the Bahamas are trying to attract buyers who would normally look for vacation homes in South Florida.

One of those projects, the Honeycomb building at the Albany resort on the south coast of New Providence Island, is borrowing from some of its South Florida counterparts by hiring a starchitect to come up with a cutting-edge design and generate buzz. Danish starchitect Bjarke Ingels collaborated with HKS and Michael Diggiss & Associates to design the eight-story Honeycomb, the Miami Herald reported. Honeycomb’s 34 apartments range from 3,000 to 8,000 square feet and include individual swimming pools.

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Honeycomb is 30 percent sold following a mid-January launch. Unit prices range from $1,000 per square foot to more than $2,500.

“There is an element of competition between the Bahamas and Florida for non-Floridian buyers,” Albany managing partner Christopher Anand told the Herald. [Miami Herald]Eric Kalis