
Watch Trump brag about his South Florida assets: VIDEO

South Florida speech starts at 8:00 in video

Presidential hopeful Donald Trump visited South Florida this week for a golf tournament at his course in Doral, but also to hold a press conference in Jupiter about his recent primary win in Mississippi.

During his speech, the Republican frontrunner was anything but shy when talking about his yuuuge assets.

“I have assets like this,” he said while spreading his arms wide. “This is owned 100 percent by me with no debt.”

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He touched on his famed Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach as one of the trophy properties he owns free and clear, along with the Trump International Golf Course in West Palm Beach and the Trump National Doral.

Though that certainly hasn’t always been true. Recent reports in the Washington Post show Trump’s long history with creditors has stretched back to his dealings in the 1980s and 1990s, when at one point his loan balance reached more than $1.1 billion across his vast real estate holdings — including Mar-a-Lago.

As far as what he’s been up to in South Florida, Trump said he’s been “partners with [Related Group] on numerous jobs on the beach, very successful; partners with Gil and Michael Dezer on the beach, massive buildings.”

Some of those include the Trump Towers  for which he licensed his name built by Dezer Development and the Related Group, plus the Trump Hollywood that he developed with Related’s Jorge Perez.

Gil Dezer actually took control of the Trump Towers amid the market crash in 2010 and began slashing unit prices to pay the development’s massive $265 million loan. — Sean Stewart-Muniz

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