
Check out TRD’s new and improved mobile app

The Real Deal is bringing a cleaner design and more seamless navigation to our latest mobile update, which is now available for download in Apple’s App store.

The latest version of our app includes a separate feed for our new Los Angeles website, which joined The Real Deal‘s family of news websites in January. An updated navigation bar allows readers to access each of the three markets with ease, and a new ‘National’ tab aggregates our New York, South Florida and Los Angeles websites into one stream.

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We’ve also incorporated a smoother, sleeker design. A new feature, which is located on the bottom left of a post, lets users increase the text size for easier reading. Like our previous app, you can text, email or share stories to your social media sites, via the icons located on the bottom of each post. You can also search for stories you may have missed by clicking on the magnifying glass in the top right corner of the homepage.

Click here to download the iPhone app, or search for “The Real Deal” in the App Store. Android users, keep an eye out in the near future — we’ll have an updated app soon.

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