
Most units at boutique condo in Deerfield have sold

Rendering of the Fordham condominium in Deerfield Beach
Rendering of the Fordham condominium in Deerfield Beach

Boca Raton-based Group P6 has sold five of nine units at the Fordham, a boutique condominium under construction in Deerfield Beach. The remaining unsold units include a penthouse priced at $550,000.

Group P6 broke ground in January for the Fordham at 51 Southeast 19 Avenue in Deerfield Beach, one block from the Atlantic Ocean. Construction was expected to take 12 months.

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Group P6 also is building another low-rise condominium with seven units called Elysian on a nearby site.

The development company, owned by a Venezuelan family and led by co-operating manager Ignacio Diaz, purchased the land for the two condo developments in 2014.

Mercantil Commercebank extended a $4 million loan to finance construction of the Fordham and Elysian projects, which are expected to generate about $10 million in sales.

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