The city of Fort Pierce is seeking a partnership with a developer to build a hotel on a former power-plant site in the city’s downtown area.
The city would retain ownership of the eight-acre site of the former H.D. King Power Plant, and the developer would lease the land for hotel construction.
All proposed-project bids are due Sept. 5, according to a draft copy of the city’s request for proposals and qualifications to recruit a hotel developer.
The Fort Pierce Redevelopment Agency has approved the Sept. 5 bidding deadline as part of a bid-solicitation timetable proposed by Fort Pierce City Manager Nick Mimms.
Mimms said the city will advertise its request for proposals in publications and on websites devoted to real estate development.
The city has tried twice before to get a new use for the old power-plant site.
In 2014, a St. Petersburg-based group canceled its plan to build not only a hotel on the eight acres downtown but also 300 apartments, 50 townhouses and a four-story parking garage.
In 2010, a South Florida developer terminated its own plan to build a hotel and more on the site, including restaurants, shops and homes. [] – Mike Seemuth