
Former restaurant site in Boca Raton sells for $9.35 million

Hillstone Restaurant Group acquired the 2.5-acre property next to its Houston's restaurant in Boca

2004 Northwest Executive Center Circle in Boca Raton (Credit: Sun-Sentinel)
2004 Northwest Executive Center Circle in Boca Raton (Credit: Sun-Sentinel)

Hillstone Restaurant Group bought a former Macaroni Grill location in Boca Raton next door to the company’s Houston’s restaurant.

Hillstone paid $9.35 million for the 2.5-acre property at 2004 Northwest Executive Center Circle, according to the seller, Rosemurgy Properties.

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In 2010, Rosemurgy paid $3.39 million for the 6,560-square-foot building that formerly housed a Macaroni Grill restaurant.

Hillstone plans to demolish the old Macaroni Grill building but hasn’t decided what to do with the property, located near a site where the Tri-Rail commuter train system may build a new station.

Glen Viers, vice president of Hillstone, told the Sun-Sentinel that the company has no plans to redevelop its Houston’s restaurant at 1900 Northwest Executive Center Circle in Boca Raton, which opened about 30 years ago. [Sun-Sentinel] – Mike Seemuth

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