
Delray Beach city commission postpones vote on proposed Midtown development

The developer, Hudson Holdings, has appealed a rejection of its proposed Midtown Delray Beach project by the city's Historic Preservation Board

A rendering of the planned Midtown Delray Beach development (Credit: Hudson Holdings)
A rendering of the planned Midtown Delray Beach development (Credit: Hudson Holdings)

City commissioners in Delray Beach postponed their decision whether to approve or reject Midtown Delray Beach, a $140 million development proposed in the city’s downtown area.

The commissioners decided to consider the development at their meeting on March 6.

Midtown Delray Beach, previously named Swinton Commons, would unfold on seven acres where Swinton Avenue intersects Atlantic Avenue.

The mixed-use development would encompass construction of apartments, retail stores, offices, hotel rooms and underground parking, plus renovation of eight historic structures, according to the website of the developer, Hudson Holdings.

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Some residents of Delray Beach have criticized the proposed development as too large, and the developer wants more time to address the complaints.

Bonnie Miskell, an attorney for Hudson Holdings, told city commissioners at their Feb. 6 meeting that Hudson Holdings has an alternative plan to address complaints about the size of the proposed Midtown Delray Beach development.

The city’s Historic Preservation Board rejected the development in December because of its size, but Hudson Holdings has appealed that decision.

Hudson Holdings has altered the proposed development six times in the last four years to appease critics, including a group of preservationists concerned about Hudson’s plan to demolish some structures on the development site and to relocate others. [Sun-Sentinel] – Mike Seemuth

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